Tag Archives: strategy


Staking Plans for Blackjack

Whether you play blackjack at your local casino, twice a year on holiday at Vegas or anywhere else, or every day of the week at any of the USA online blackjack sites we feature here, using a staking plan is highly advisable. Here we explain what a staking plan is and take a look at some of the main types of systems, also suggesting the one we feel is best for playing real money online blackjack.

First of all, let’s answer the obvious question: what is a staking plan? Many occasional blackjack players rock up to the table, online or in the real world, and simply bet as they like, changing their stake on each hand as the mood takes them or simply sticking with one bet regardless of the ongoing situation and without any thought having gone into the initial stake level.

A staking plan is a more deliberate and considered approach to deciding what to bet on any given hand and whilst it can’t guarantee delivering a profit, it can help you achieve your goals more efficiently when things do go your way.

In essence there are three main types of staking plan, ones that increase your stake after a loss, and/or as your bankroll decreases, ones that increase your stake after a win and/or as your bank grows and ones that essentially remain flat.

For many players the latter system is probably the best and a so-called level-stakes staking plan is a good way to keep things fun. As with all casino games, blackjack favors the house and so, theoretically, eventually the casino wins and the player loses. A level stakes plan, however, ensures that you can make your bank last for the period of time you are wanting it to, based on a reasonable worst case scenario. How much you stake on a given hand depends on your total bank, the average speed of the game and how long you want to play for.

In our opinion thee worst form of staking plan increases stake when you lose. Negative progression systems, the most notorious of which is the Martingale system, mean you are risking the most cash when you can least afford it and, moreover, when results suggest that maybe luck, the deck or your own emotions and thinking are against you.

The opposite system, increasing stakes when you win, can be a good option, essentially for all the opposite reasons listed above.

Ultimately we recommend you try a few variations of level stakes and positive progression plans but, however you stake be sure to check out our blackjack bonuses and promotions. Then head over to the best USA online blackjack sites and get started playing online for a chance to win some cold hard cash.


The Four Horsemen of Blackjack

The Four Horsemen of Blackjack are quite possibly the most important people in the entire history of the game of blackjack. Whether you are a regular of USA online blackjack, like to play a few hands whenever you’re in Vegas or play at home with your buddies, if you have ever used Basic Strategy when you’ve played blackjack, you owe a great debt to The Four Horsemen of the Aberdeen Proving Ground – to use their full and proper title.

Basic Strategy is the mathematically proven optimum strategy for playing blackjack and effectively tells you whether you should hit, stand, double or split in any given situation. Working this complex algorithm out now would be relatively simple with a cheap computer and a decent grounding in math, but back when the Four Horsemen figured it all out, they used just a pencil, some paper and their collective brainpower.

William Cantey, Herbert Maisel, Roger Baldwin and James McDermott were stationed at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland in the 1950s and decided to see if they could crack the game of blackjack. Upon learning that the dealer had to hit to 16 and stand on 17, Baldwin, who had a Master’s in Math, decided he could try and calculate the best move following the initial deal.

Given there are a fixed number of cards in the deck it seemed right that in any given situation there must be a “right” and a “wrong” call. Previously blackjack players went on received wisdom and hunches but these four bright army men decided they would attempt to work out what choices would yield the best results in the long term.

From 1953 onwards the four soldiers worked on their theory, testing and analyzing, using nothing more than army “adding machines”, as primitive calculators were then known. In fall 1956 they published “The Optimum Strategy in Blackjack” which essentially codified, created, invented, call it what you will, Basic Strategy.

Their original document is almost perfect, with some very minor alterations having been made over the years that produce returns a tiny fraction higher. Amazingly it wasn’t until 2008 that they were inducted into the Blackjack Hall of Fame but since then their amazing feat has been more widely and fully appreciated.


Splitting at Blackjack

Splitting is one of the key decisions in blackjack and knowing when to split a pair into two hands (and when not to) will help you maximize your chances of success. Splitting at the right time will keep the house edge – the casino’s advantage over the player – as low as possible and that means you need only the smallest amount of luck in order to clear that casino bonus or make a nice profit from your session at the table.

When playing at your favorite USA online blackjack site it’s easy to refer to basic strategy and unless you have memorized every call then we would recommend using a basic strategy chart to help you. However, if you don’t want to keep checking a sheet, or happen to be playing blackjack in a real-world casino, then knowing the essentials of when to split will help you play more quickly, more profitably and enjoy your entire blackjack experience that little bit more.

The following information is based on standard blackjack rules, assuming four to eight decks, doubling after splitting is not allowed and the dealer stands on soft 17. The easiest splits to remember are aces and eights, which should always, always be split. Even when the dealer is holding an ace himself and you think you might be better off trying to limit your losses, with a pair of eights, for example, splitting is ALWAYS the right choice.

The next simple one is a pair of fours, which should never be split and always hit, even to a dealer showing a six. The same applies with a pair of fives and a pair of 10s – these should never be split, even if you like the idea of taking two hands with a 10 against a five or a six. Basic strategy, math, science, call it what you will, is never wrong, so don’t play with your gut or instinct, make the call that is proven to deliver long-term profit.

The other splits are slightly more complex but:

  • Split nines unless the dealer has a seven, 10 or ace
  • Split sevens unless the dealer has a higher card
  • Split sixes unless the dealer has higher card or a two
  • Split twos and threes only to a dealer four to seven inclusive

Blackjack Basic Strategy

Blackjack is one of the very best casino games around and if you want to play USA online blackjack we have a range of great casinos and blackjack sites that offer great games and even better bonuses. However, when playing blackjack, online or in a real casino, the best way to give yourself the best odds of winning is by using basic strategy and here we explain what exactly that is.

The house edge is the name given to the advantage the casino holds over the player in any given casino game. In online blackjack the precise house edge varies according to the exact rules you are playing, with, for example, using more decks increasing the casino’s profitability.

Generally speaking though the house edge for most USA online blackjack variants ranges from around 0.5% to 1.5%, although it can be a little lower… or a LOT higher. However, the key thing to note is that the quoted or calculated house edge is the lowest possible on that blackjack variant.

Your individual choices impact the house edge and, therefore, your chances of either making a profit or of walking away without a dollar to your name. In other games, for example online roulette, the house edge is fixed and your own actions don’t affect the house edge. In blackjack, in order to achieve the lowest possible house edge and thus give yourself the highest chance of winning, you need to use optimum play and in blackjack that means using basic strategy.

Basic strategy is said to have been developed by four soldiers in the 1950s who whiled away the hours on base working through the math of the game. They created the optimal way of play that gave you the correct call to make in any given situation at the blackjack table. Basic strategy depends on the cards you have and the card you can see of the dealer, but not the cards that have gone before or that other players are showing (as that would move us into the realms of card counting).

This is scientifically and mathematically the best way to play and tells you whether to double, split, hit or stay in any situation. If you want to play blackjack and you like money, ALWAYS use basic strategy – it really is that simple.


Doubling at Blackjack

More and more people are playing USA online blackjack and there are certainly a growing number of excellent sites that accept US players. However, if you’re going to play blackjack online, you might as well give yourself the best chance possible of making a profit and to do that, knowing when to double down is essential.

Doubling involves doubling your stake once your two-card total is known in exchange for only receiving one more card. It is one of the key elements of basic strategy and whilst playing entirely to basic strategy is highly recommended, at least knowing when to cash in on a good hand by being aware of when to double gives you a better chance of success to some degree.

First of all, it’s worth knowing that some casinos will only let a player double 10 or 11, whilst others will allow doubling on 9, 10 or 11, whilst the most generous blackjack rules will allow a double on any two cards. These days more and more online casinos allow a player to double on any two cards and this is great because this is the option which has the lowest house edge and therefore gives the player the best long-term prospects.

However, just because you CAN double, doesn’t mean you SHOULD! Based on fairly standard blackjack rules that you are likely to encounter playing USA online blackjack, there are a few simple rules you should bear in mind and these are:

  • Never double on less than nine
  • On 10 or 11 double if your total is higher than the dealer’s (or hit if you can’t double)
  • Double a nine only against a dealer’s 3, 4, 5 or 6 (as above, hit if you can’t double)

The above three basic principles cover all “hard” hands, including a pair of fives which is doubled assuming the dealer has 9 or less.

The slightly more confusing options are doubling on “soft” hands (those formed with an ace). Always stand on soft 19, double 17 or 18 to a dealer 3-6 inclusive, hitting on 17, standing on 18 if no double is allowed. For soft 15 or 16, double only to a dealer 4, 5 or 6, whilst on 14 or 13 only double to a dealer’s 5 or 6, with all these options hitting if you can’t double.


Best 5 Blackjack Books

Blackjack is a game loved by many and, poker aside, it is probably the card game about which there are the most books written. Literally hundreds of tomes cover everything blackjack-related, from tips to strategy, jokes to legendary anecdotes, and math to blackjack theory. Here we take a look at five of the best blackjack books out there…

Basic Blackjack by Stanford Wong

Wong is a member of the Blackjack Hall of Fame and popularizer of “Wonging” and this book is a must-read for anyone serious about the great game of blackjack. Whether you are playing at a USA online blackjack site or a bricks and mortar casino, this guide to basic strategy is perfect for those wanting to get to grips with blackjack.

Beat The Dealer by Edward O Thorp

This book is arguably the most significant in the history of the game and opened up card counting to the world. Still of use to any serious players today, the book is a must-read for its significance to the game and all advantage players. Published in 1962 it has stood the test of time and there are undoubtedly many people who are a whole lot richer thanks to Thorp’s seminal piece.

Bringing Down The House by Ben Mezrich

Although this is classed as a non-fiction work, much of the book is undoubtedly heavily embellished, especially when it was adapted into the movie 21 (starring Kevin Spacey and Laurence Fishburne). That said, this tale of the legendary MIT blackjack team is for the most part true and is all the more remarkable for that. A romping great read and sure to inspire you to get out and play some blackjack, either online or otherwise, this is another blackjack must-read.

The Big Book of Blackjack by Arnold Snyder

As the name suggests, this is a big book and it covers a huge range of topics, making it suitable for many different readers. One of the best books about the history of blackjack.

The World’s Greatest Blackjack Book by Lance Humble and Carl Cooper

We love a bold title and whilst we might not exactly agree, this book is certainly right up there with the very best. Like Snyder’s read, this is a comprehensive look at blackjack and is highly readable.


The Worst Blackjack Decisions Ever!

Blackjack is a hugely popular game and whether playing at an online casino, in your local bricks and mortar casino establishment, or at one of Vegas’ mega resorts, there is a right way to play and a wrong way. The right way is using basic strategy to optimize your returns and reduce the house edge to the bare minimum.

Throw in a few other little ideas, such as playing at a great casino that offers a nice welcome bonus, picking a blackjack variant with a low house edge and knowing when to stop (ideally when you’re winning) and it’s quite easy to win on a regular basis at this marvelous game.

However, far too many players make some simple, avoidable mistakes that ultimately mean they give more of their money than they should to the casino and here we take a look at some of the worst mistakes.

Splitting 10s

Oh dear! Never split 10s. No matter if the dealer is showing a six. Naturally, any deviation from basic strategy is bad for the house edge but this is one simple error that’s easy to cut out and easy to remember. Never split 10s! Unless you’re counting cards, but then if you’re a card counter you knew that already!


Avoiding insurance, just like never splitting 10s, is one easy element of basic strategy to remember. It’s a bad bet, plain and simple.

Short Pay Blackjack

As well as how you play, what you play is important, and if you choose to play blackjack that pays a “natural” blackjack at odds of lower than 3/2 then you’re just throwing money away. On fairly standard rules, the difference between a 3/2 payout and a reduced 6/5 payout is that the house edge moves from, for example, 0.45% up to a relatively huge 1.8%!

Knowing When to Stop

When playing blackjack it’s advisable to have a maximum budget you are prepared to lose. When you reach this figure, which hopefully you won’t, just stop. Always avoid the temptation to chase your losses. Conversely, set yourself a target profit, for example 50% or 100% of your budget. Once you reach that result, walk away. If you keep playing and playing there is only one result: you walk away with nothing.


Is Insurance the Right Bet?

This could be a really short feature and I won’t mess around, the short and deliciously simple answer is… no. You should never, ever take insurance when playing blackjack, be that online, in Vegas or anywhere else.

The logic and reasoning is down to very simple math and the fact is that by taking insurance you give the house a huge edge of around 6% depending on what variant of the game you are playing.

With the dealer needing a card worth 10 to make blackjack there are just four cards that can hurt you, a 10, jack, queen or king, while there are nine cards that will leave the dealer still playing. Given insurance pays out at 2/1 it is plain and simple a bad bet based on the probabilities of the cards.

Unless you are a professional card counter and know the deck is stacked with 10s you should never take insurance if you want to win at online blackjack. This applies to the same degree whether you are holding 17, 12 or 20. In fact, ironically, taking insurance on a hand with one or (especially) two 10-value cards is the worst value bet of all. Without the need for card counting, you know that there are one or two 10s the dealer has no chance of hitting – the ones in front of you!

Another thing you should never do is take even money if you are already holding blackjack. Many players favour the certainty of an even money payout but over time this will cost you money. Again, it’s simple math and will lose you around 4% of the value of your hand (bet) in the long-term.

These are very simple things to remember and if you can’t be bothered to learn perfect basic strategy or – easy if you are playing online blackjack, keep a blackjack strategy chart handy – then just remembering these things will help you out.

Another very simple strategy to follow is always hit on less than 17 if the dealer is showing a seven or above. That is probably the simplest basic principle of blackjack but it’s amazing how often you see players standing on 16.

Blackjack is a great game to play at an online casino and with amazing free bets, bonuses and promotions, if you’re prepared to learn a few basic rules you have a great chance of profiting as well as having fun.

See our recommended USA online blackjack casinos and claim a great bonus.


Playing to Win at Online Blackjack

Online blackjack has increased in popularity in recent years thanks to the ease with which the games can be played and understood. But the vast majority of players around the world appear to neither understand the game nor play it sensibly, that is to give themselves the best chance of actually winning. While some high-rolling superstars might not care one way or the other whether they win or lose, for most of us the very point of playing is to go after a profit. So read on to find out how to increase your chances of winning when playing USA online blackjack.

One of the main appeals of the game of blackjack is that players have the power to decide what they do, in terms of whether they hit, stand, split or double. Knowing when to do each of these things to optimize your chances of beating the dealer is complicated as the rules vary between online casinos and indeed between the various versions of blackjack many of them offer. The number of decks used, whether the dealer must stand or hit on a soft 17, whether doubling up is allowed after splitting cards and other factors affect what your optimum strategy should be.

If all this sounds like far too much hassle to calculate, fear not: the Blackjack Basic Strategy is there to help you cut through the probabilities and permutations and give you the answers you seek. This strategy will minimize the house edge the casino gets from online blackjack, giving you the best mathematical chance of success. The casino will almost always retain an edge, meaning they will always win over the long term, but you can give yourself the best chance of short term gains this way.

Following the Basic Strategy, for instance, when two packs are used, the dealer stands on a soft 17, doubling after splits is allowed and surrenders are not, you would always stand on hard 17 and above, and would also stand after hitting as low as a hard 12 if the dealer card is a four, five or six. You would also hit on a soft 18 (against the instinct of many players) if the dealer’s card is a nine, 10 (including picture cards) or ace.

There are tables published on many casino sites for literally thousands of variation of rules, so the key to following the Basic Blackjack Strategy effectively is to know the rules of the particular online blackjack game you are playing. Oh, and be sure to make use of the all the bonuses and promotions you can get your hands on.


What Not to do Playing Blackjack

Blackjack is one of the best games to play in an online casino because it is easy to understand, great fun and (best of all) has a very low house edge (the casino’s profit margin on the game). Depending on the exact rules of the variant of blackjack you are playing the house edge can be as little as 0.5%, or even less, meaning that if you played 100 hands at $10 a hand you would expect, on average, to be just $5 down. Obviously with a little luck or a generous casino bonus you could be up, but that would be the average expectation, blackjack bonuses aside.

However, to achieve that sort of result you need to be playing according to the mathematically proven rules of basic strategy. In any given situation there is a correct call, whether it is to hit, split, stand, double down or whatever. These “rules” are fairly easy but memorizing every call can be quite tricky. Obviously playing blackjack online there is no need to memorize it, you can easily have a basic strategy guide on hand but even so, many players prefer to use their own simpler strategies. Use our blackjack strategy chart to know when to hit, stand, split etc. to make sure you are playing with the best odds in your favor.

One such method of playing blackjack, which is very, easy is to simply follow the dealer. That is to say, always hit on 16 or lower and always stand on 17 (including soft 17) and higher, without ever doubling or splitting. While this is a simple way of playing and won’t require any charts or guides, it also has a fairly catastrophic impact on the casino’s house edge (from the player’s point of view). Playing this way puts the house edge up to around 5.5% – more than 10 times higher than playing basic strategy.

Another option that some players favour for its simplicity is to make sure they never bust and so always have a chance of winning. This means standing on any “hard” hand of 12 or higher and fares marginally better (assuming other calls employ basic strategy) but the casino’s advantage still rises significantly to around 4%.

The message is clear though – if you’re going to play blackjack online, make sure you play at a casino with a generous bonus, good loyalty scheme and, most of all make sure you play the optimum strategy and follow the strategy chart. The Diamond VIP and Grand Parker Casinos have great blackjack bonuses and both allow USA players for USA online blackjack. See our Diamond VIP review and claim up to $10,000 in bonuses for blackjack.